Monday, October 6, 2014

10 things i told myself when i started blogging

Alright, folks, I've already dropped the ball on this blogging challenge.  Sorry, Helene and Taylor.  I won't make excuses.  Life happens, a girl gets busy, and then she comes back around.

Today's prompt for #blogtober14 is:  10 things I told myself when I started blogging.

Helene in Between Blogtober

I started my first blog around seven years ago.  I wrote about things my mom always says and how her voice coming out of my mouth sometimes.  Although the words I typed out were truth, even my mom didn't want to read it.  Rest in peace, sweet blog.

The second blog I started was supposed to be about my adventures here in Texas.  I created it just after moving here from Georgia.  I quickly lost interest, however, when the everyday happened.  This is another story for another day.

This brings us to the current blog you're reading now.  I started this one almost a year ago and am just now feeling inspired enough to really do something with it.

And so, 10 a few things I told myself when I started blogging:

1.  I would blog daily.  Every day.  Every.  Single.  Day.  And you know what?  I'd love to be able to do that.  But life really does happen.  And as much as I would love to have some extra hours in the day, the truth is that I'd rather be living life and writing about it later than not living life so I can write about how I'd like to live it.

2.  I would write such funny, funny stories that people I've never met would be anticipating my next funny stories.  I do like funny.  (And if you need some funny in your life today, check out this very funny and very true post.)  However, my real life isn't the set of Saturday Night Live circa Adam Sandler and Dana Carvey. 

3.  I would write about all sorts of things:  beauty, travel, recipes.  So far I haven't.  I made myself a promise upfront that I wouldn't restrict myself to writing only about crafts or only about travel.  I would feel like poor Andie Anderson at Composure magazine.  Depressing, but upbeat!  Please tell me you know exactly what I'm talking about.

4.  I refuse to base the value of my writing on how many comments my posts receive.  But let's face it...we all love to see the comments roll in.  I get ONE comment and I'm on top of the world!

5.  I would make tons of blogging friends and we'd talk about blogging and meet up for coffee and talk more about blogging.  Yeah, that hasn't happened.  I follow some favorite blogs and comment regularly, and I still get so excited when I get a response back!  I love the correspondence!  

I know my list only has four items on it, but I honestly just decided to start a blog (again) and I went with it.  This is how I roll.  Rollin' with the homies.
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  1. I love your list! I think it's things we all subconsciously thought lol

  2. Thanks, Daisy! Yes, I think everyone thinks these things! I love your list too! :)

  3. To do list: Meet more local bloggers & go to some events that are happening in your area. (That's what i'm wanting to do soon). And you def don't have to limit yourself to only one or two topics Julie. It's your blog - write whatever makes you happy & you'd like to share with your readers. :)
    Luchessa @
